This Month in the Apiary: September
- Varroa treatment should have been completed. Note treatments are temperature dependent and may be less effective as temperatures drop.
- Unite small healthy colonies or unite to stronger ones.
- Assess stores. Nationals need approximately 40lbs /18kg of stores feeding should be finished by mid -September. ( A brood frame holds 5lb/2.3kg, supers 3lbs/1.4kg).
- Feed 2:1 syrup. feed all colonies in the evening at the same time to avoid robbing. Avoid spillages or clean up.
- Reduce entrances against wasps, plug with sponge down to one bee space.
- heck all equipment is sound with no gaps for wasps to get in. Continue to have monitoring traps out. Asian hornets will be looking for carbohydrate/ sugar. Keep an eye out as the ivy comes in or in traps.
- Extracted super combs can either be put in freezer for 24 hours or use 80% acetic acid to kill wax moth larvae.
- Scorch boxes especially in corners before replacing frames.
- Store supers stacked with paper between once treated. Combs with pollen are more prone to wax moth.
- If your brood box is already full of stores and there is a good ivy flow, consider putting a super of foundation on to let strong colonies draw it.
- Clear debris and grass etc from under hives to avoid damp.