Annual Safari

Lavenham area

24th July in the Lavenham area - more details to follow.

Winter Talks – October 13th

Nowton Village Hall Village Hall, The Pound, Nowton, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, United Kingdom

October 13th, 7.30p.m. at Nowton Village Hall, IP29 5NE. Graham and Marika Sigley will tell us about teaching beekeeping to the inmates and staff at Wayland Open Prison. All being well, further dates will be November 10th, January 12th, February 9th, March 9th and April 13th.

Winter Talks – November 10th

Nowton Village Hall Village Hall, The Pound, Nowton, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Our speaker at the November meeting will be Colin Bell on running the Cambridge BKA's queen-rearing apiary: the workload, problems he encounters and their solutions.

Winter Talks – January

Nowton Village Hall Village Hall, The Pound, Nowton, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Jeremy Quinlan, master beekeeper of Ipswich  and East Suffolk BKA,  topic yet to be decided  

Winter talk: March 9th

Nowton Village Hall, March 9th 7.30p.m.: Theodora Rubensaal Commandeur will be updating us on her EARS sponsored research into CBPV, accompanied by Dr Giles Budge.

West Suffolk BBKA Pub Social

The Crown Inn Hotel Hall Street, Long Melford, Sudbury, Suffolk, United Kingdom

West Suffolk BBKA Pub Social - get together and talk about bees and anything!

Winter Talk: March 9th

Nowton Village Hall Village Hall, The Pound, Nowton, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, United Kingdom

March 9th, 7.30 - 9.30., Nowton Village Hall, IP29 5NE. Theodora Rubensaal Commandeur will be updating us on her EARS-sponsored research into CBPV. She will be accompanied by Dr Giles Budge.

Winter Talk: April 13th – Talk by Nynke Blomer

Bury Cricket Club Pavilion Victory Sports Ground, Nowton Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, United Kingdom

This will be a  talk by Nynke Blomer, a post-graduate student at Cambridge University and a member of the agroecology group. She has only just begun her current project, researching how honey bees and bumbles share the agricultural landscape, and this is what she'll be informing us about, especially the background of her interest in this Continue reading →

WSBKA Basic Queen Rearing Course – day 1

Nowton Park - WSBKA Apiary Nowton Park, Nowton Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, United Kingdom

We are pleased to announce the first WSBKA basic queen rearing course. Covering selection of stock, grafting of larvae, running cell raising colonies, making up mating nucs and dealing with mated queens. Taking part over 2 sessions at the association apiary, Nowton Park (you'll need to attend both): Wednesday 17th of May at 16:45 for a Continue reading →

WSBKA Basic Queen Rearing Course – day 2

Nowton Park - WSBKA Apiary Nowton Park, Nowton Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, United Kingdom

We are pleased to announce the first WSBKA basic queen rearing course. Covering selection of stock, grafting of larvae, running cell raising colonies, making up mating nucs and dealing with mated queens. Taking part over 2 sessions at the association apiary, Nowton Park (you’ll need to attend both): Wednesday 17th of May at 16:45 for a Continue reading →