Winter meetings are usually now held at the Bury Cricket Club Pavilion on the Victory Sports Ground, Nowton Road, from October to April, excluding December, on the second Thursday of the month. Speakers in the past have included a national honey judge, our local area bee inspector, the creators of Zest Hives and skep-making demonstrators. Please see our calendar and the Suffolk Beekeepers’ Google Calendar.

Bee Safari

This is held annually in the summer and involves a group of beekeepers, usually led by a bee inspector, visiting members’ apiaries in an area of West Suffolk – usually five or six of them – looking through their hives and discussing their apiaries, local conditions etc. This is always a very sociable event; car-sharing is essential and we enjoy a picnic lunch, brilliant sunshine and plenty of cake!

The Suffolk Show

We always support this annual event at Ipswich Showground and encourage all our members to visit one of the most popular attractions: the bee and honey display tent!

WSBKA Honey Show

Our own show is part of the very popular Pakenham Water Mill Open Day, held in early September. This is a good opportunity to talk to beekeepers, view the honey exhibition and competition, displays of bees, honey and wax products, many of which are for sale. It always makes a wonderful finale to the beekeeping season.