1.7 The need for regular comb replacement in the hive and how this can be effectively carried out – by Bec & Mark

1.7 The need for regular comb replacement in the hive and how this can be effectively carried out – by Lewis Turner

1.9 Criteria used in selection of apiaries – by Lewis Turner

1.9 Criteria used in Selection of apiaries – by Christine Harvey

1.11 Good Apiary Hygiene – by Lewis Turner

1.11 Good Apiary Hygiene – by Sarah Vickery

1.11 Good Apiary Hygiene – by Bec and Mark

1.12 The variable temperament of bees in relation to management and public relations – by Lewis Turner

1.12 The variable temperament of bees in relation to management and public relations – by Rebecca Greeves

1.14 The year’s work in the apiary – by Mark Bleay

1.15 The drifting of honeybees, the dangers caused and techniques used to minimise the problem – by Yvonne Green

1.15 The drifting of honeybees, the dangers caused and techniques used to minimise the problem – by Lewis Turner

1.16 The principles involved in feeding honeybees, including types of feeder, amounts of food, types of food and timing of feeding – by Lewis Turner

1.18 Prevention, detection and control of swarming – Laura Middleditch

1.20 Swarm Control – Debbie Brook

1.21 Methods of marking and clipping queens – by Rebecca Greeves

1.22& 1.24 The methods of making nuclei and the uses to which they can be put (apart from swarm control) & methods of taking and hiving a swarm of honey bees – by Mark

1.23 (ish) Creating a colony from a Swarm or Nuclei – Lewis Turner

1.23 How Do Swarms make Productive Colonies – by Luke Martin

1.25 Uniting Methods of uniting colonies principles and precautions – by Katie Brewster

1.25 Uniting Methods of uniting colonies principles and precautions – by Lewis Turner

1.30 Moving Colonies and the difficulties / Dangers – by Christine Harvey

1.32 How colonies are prepared for the winter period and the principles underlying this preparation – by Lewis Turner

1.33 Effects of bee stings difficulties and dangers – by Kate Coghlan

1.33 Effects of bee stings difficulties and dangers by Lewis Turner

1.34 Laying workers and drone laying queens and the conditions leading to their development – by Lewis Turner

1.34 Laying workers and drone laying queens and the conditions leading to their development – by Sarah Vickery