This month in the Apiary – July
- This is usually the main month for the honey crop
- Lime and clover are in flower and the blackberry is out in a lot of places
- Don’t add more supers unless needed as the brood nest will begin to contract
- Move outer frames not filled or capped in towards the centre so that the bees don’t ignore them.
- Remove most of the honey crop when the cells are sealed or on part sealed frames no nectar drips out when shaken
- Bees will continue to forage on things like borage if available
- Do a monthly health check and a varroa check
- Purchase varroa treatment ready for when the supers are off
- Old dirty frames can be worked to the edge of the brood box to be removed
- Asian hornet nests could be increasing in size
- The larvae queens produced will need protein so change bait in traps to cat food or tuna
- Monitor traps frequently and watch for hawking around hives.
- Reduce entrances as wasps appear