This Month in the Apiary: February
- Continue to heft to check stores. Feed fondant if in doubt.
- If feeding fondant, check if it needs replacing and that it’s over the cluster. You may have to rotate the crownboard so the hole is closer to the bees.
- Look under the hive to locate the cappings as an indication of where the cluster is.
- Clear dead bees from the entrance.
- Check hives are secure and undamaged.
- Observe on warmer days to see if the bees are flying. If not remove roof. Bees should come up to the crownboard hole to the light if it’s warm enough.
- Check and repair stored equipment.
- Make up frames ready for the season for comb change, swarms or splits. Don’t place foundation until nearer the time needed.
- Check records and plan for season ahead.
- Purchase anything needed.