This Month in the Apiary: January
- Monitor varroa levels by putting the board in for a few days. More than 2 a day means it would be a good idea to treat.
- In cold weather the bees cluster, two weeks of low temperatures allow for oxalic treatment if the colony is broodless- only use an approved treatment and record its use.
- If temperatures are above freezing the colony could be active and using more stores, look under the hive for where the cappings have dropped.
- Continue to heft and check stores and if in doubt put fondant in a container over the crownboard hole.
- Ensure the entrance is clear of dead bees and should it snow clear the entrance or landing board.
- Insulating the roof will help prevent condensation.
- High winds can blow hives or roofs over, consider strapping down or putting a weight on the roof.
- Clean and repair any equipment left from the season to avoid being taken by surprise.
- Think ahead and purchase any new equipment required.
- Plan what you want to do in the new season, catch up on reading and join one of the many webinars available.